February 2016 Newsletter


February is around the bend!

We’ve got a LOT of useful information for you in this edition of the newsletter, so please take a good look! We don’t want you to miss anything important!

As always, if YOU would like to be a part of the team, please let us know, and we will certainly find a way for your to contribute, even if you are a musician, writer, poet, videographer, or more, the newsletter has ways of showing off your content, just make sure it’s relevant to the Christian Crew!

Enjoy this edition! – Editor NeoJ

Want to be an Event Coordinator?

Want to help out with Event Nights? CCG is working on starting up Events Night again. This is anything from Free-2-Play game night to a fun drawing contest. You can help out by being one of the event coordinators or just by giving us some ideas. Like any Free-2-Play games for us to try out or any other fun event for fellow CCGers to get together. Check out the forum post by Globalkoas…

Bible Study on TeamSpeak

After the winter holidays, ChristianCrew Gamers are meeting up on Thursdays again for the evening Bible
Study hosted (usually) by Ongurth or Winged Scribe. Once in a while Michael Fedora steps in to help out as well, like on January 21st. For January we’ve been making our way through chapters 21-24 of the book of
Genesis. This covers the last parts of Abraham’s story including the birth of Isaac (finally!), Sarah’s death, and introducing Rebekah. Even if you don’t feel like you know much about the Bible (or aren’t even a
Christian) please feel free to join us on Thursday evenings starting around 8pm CST. Can’t join us but still would like to hear what’s going on? Check out the CCG’s Youtube channel.  There are some older
studies posted up already and we are working on getting some recent ones posted as well.

CC's YouTube

Latest CC Store Addition!

It has arrived! The Beauty Shirt/Hoodie, also known as the “Lack of Attention Span” shirt. NeoJabez talked about the apparent attention span of younger generations of CC one night at a meeting. Our very own Ninjacayke has immortalized his quote in a beautiful (and Memeful) artwork that you can wear and enjoy in a variety of shirts, women’s shirts, hoodies, and more! You’ve got to check out the store and see the offerings! Not just clothes this time!

CS:S Returns!

Global and Tykur have decided to bring back Counter-Strike Source to the CC, and are populating a server as this is being written with FY (Fight Yard) maps. Jump on and play the
original game CC was founded and grown around!
It will be announced when the server is ready!

Ask A Ginger

Hello to all of my favorite people!!!
How are ya?! I had three good questions come in time for the
newsletter. Have a question? No one else can help? Maybe you can ask a
Ginger, If you could learn the ways of the force which side would you
Mr. Forceful

Dear Forceful, Good question!!!! I
actually already know this. I would be the light side every single
time. While I acknowledge the appeal of the dark side, I am unable to
choose anything but the light.
Love, Jedi Ginger
Dear Ginger
Where do babies
come from?
A Curious Mind

Dear Curious,
Babies come from amazon. I just bought some for my kids for Christmas.
Love, Smarty Ginger

Dear Ginger, Do you
think we’ll be able to live off of Earth? In Genesis it says that the
Earth was Man’s domain (since then given to Satan and then taken back
by Jesus), and most of the time Earth was equated to the planet, but
perhaps..? What do you think?
Head in the clouds

Dear Cloudy,
I think having folks living, albeit temporarily, in the international
space station answers that question. We are made to adapt, however, we
were not designed for that. Genetically, we were made for earth. Earth
was made for us. Yes, we’re doing a terrible stewardship job of the
gifts (earth, time, money, etc.) we are given. Do I think we’ll
colonize Mars? No idea. I do know that I fully intend to remain where I
was designed to be. I wish I had the answers. I really do, but we must
still wait and discover the answers of this Mystery together.
Love, Earth-rooted Ginger
Alright folks! We’ve got some more stuff in the store! Ladies, we’ve
even got lady shirts in there (because we like things that aren’t
boxes). HA! BTW, It’s cold! You’re cold. Gaming for hours makes you
cold sometimes, too. Can you feel your hands right now? How about your
nose?…Know what you need? An official Christian Crew hoodie!!!! Love
your cold self and show some love to your clan! The store keeps
expanding! Get your favorite stuff ordered! Want something unique –
talk to Neo and our ACE team!!! Best of all – check out the newest
edition. You know you need one. Love to you all. – Ginger Avenger

A Faith-Based Gaming Communit

We are considering sending these
newsletters out in email, we’ll keep you posted.

©2016 CCgaming.com. All rights


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