February 5th, 2022


February 5th, 2022

Minutes Taken By: Amroth
Meeting Date: February 5, 2022
Attendees: AJ, Amroth, Dford1991, Elidold, Farmergal, NeoJabez, Toondogjoe
Praises & Praises:

AJ – Unspoken
Toondogjoe – Heart surgery on Feb. 8th
Houdini – Cabboge is still sick. Feeling better but still fighting the symptoms

Open Meeting Topics:

Quick Updates/Announcements:

  • AJ and Elidold have been brought onto Council to help. Please welcome them if you haven’t already!
  • Houdini has started The Chosen streams on Thursday Nights, on the alternate week of Bible Study. The next viewing is of Episode 3 of Season 1 on Feb. 17th. Please note the Event on Discord or contant Houdini for more details.
  • Dford1991 has stepped up to help with Prayer Meeting. Please see the Event on Discord for the time and day.

Bacon-Wrapped-Goldfish Emoji – Topic noted in minutes


Potential Prayer Night Changes-
Dford mentioned that there might need to be an adjustment to the start time. A discussion was started last Prayer Night. The next Prayer Night is staying on Wednesday February, 10th @ 7 PM EST, but a second Prayer Night will be starting on Saturdays @ 8 PM EST or whenever the CC Meeting ends. The second Prayer Night will start this coming Saturday February 12th.   Please pay attention to Events in Discord or the Schedule on Steam for any more changes to the date and time as there was a discussion to keep the Prayer Nights open and flexible.


Event Attendance –
We are going to be promoting a community environment of punctuality. As such, an announcement was sent out to Discord and a copy is below:

“We have noticed a trend of people showing up 10-15 minutes late to events throughout the week. We are encouraging people to please attend events on time so they can start on time. Those who host these events are making time to run the events, so they may not be able to wait for everyone to join before starting. This doesn’t mean you can’t join later, but we would like to encourage an attitude of punctuality on our events.
Thank you.”

Closed Meeting Topics:

No Closed this CC Meeting.

Next Meeting Scheduled For: (Tentative) March 5, 2022 12:00 am

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