Amroth: Praise/prayer: Tolley is expecting his second kid any day now. AJMan14: My neck has been pretty stiff and painful. Dyno: my lip badly got cut playing tennis today (no stitches needed tho).
Neo handed the moderation of the meeting to Elidold, since most of our docket was his own points.
First point dealt with possibly finding a new host for our Tuesday Prayer Meetings. (Tuesdays at 9pm EST).
C4 is being officially disbanded from lack of involvement and participation. The Production Studio channels will not change, as we’ll always have Creatives. But, the group itself didn’t find the traction we hoped.
Skye brought us up to speed on the current progress of V18 of Fishsticks.
There was a lively discussion in Closed that will continue in private Council chats concerning some rules and stuff. We didn’t have the requisite number of CMs to make serious changes of any kind.
We, the members of “The Christian Crew”, stand united in our effort to provide the online gaming community with a clean environment, of fellowship and exciting game play.
Our members will conduct themselves with integrity and decency, reflecting true Christian Character, in order that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ might be honored and glorified.
We are committed to the ministry and growth of our community for the Kingdom of God, presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the fundamental truth of God.
Finally, we pledge to never forget that we are Christians first, and fellow gamers second.