We had a discussion on how the server is doing with Fishsticks being out occasionally. Specifically temporary channel creation, role giving, etc. Are people having big problems?
There was some interest in possibly bringing the Switch Game Nights back. Hudbus will keep us informed.
Kesarahk: I made a movie theatre channel for voice, because people were wandering into Lounge and talking over the movie through no fault of their own.
Council is still basically in no real need of Closed Meetings at the moment. Calm before the storm? Can’t complain at lack of drama and smoothness of operational stability.
We, the members of “The Christian Crew”, stand united in our effort to provide the online gaming community with a clean environment, of fellowship and exciting game play.
Our members will conduct themselves with integrity and decency, reflecting true Christian Character, in order that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ might be honored and glorified.
We are committed to the ministry and growth of our community for the Kingdom of God, presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the fundamental truth of God.
Finally, we pledge to never forget that we are Christians first, and fellow gamers second.