Broadcasts from the Black
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Commander TheNekkbreaker reporting from Blo Aowsy VY-Q b34-3.
~.*.~ I find myself in the depths of Newton’s Vault. The stars grow less and less dense about me and the glow of the galaxy is now squarely at my back.. How long has it been since I left Colonia? Can it truly have been only two weeks? It feels like a lifetime. I occasionally catch myself losing focus, gazing into the black while my ship careens onward. This cannot stand. Though there have been no serious repercussions, earlier today I entered the exclusion zone of a star while in one of these trances. It is the first time during the entirety of my journey that I have been careless in this way. I will need to be more alert going forward. I have weeks of the black ahead of me still. This is no time to be succumbing to space madness.
~.*.~ Today I landed on a moon to shake things up. It was a decent change of pace. Photogenic too. I landed on a ledge above a large crater and took out the SRV for a little fun. Not much to report on the surface. With regard to exploration finds, I found a few earthlikes and a water giant. Still on the lookout for a terraformable earthlike with rings. I hear those are all the rage.
~.*.~ I expect I will reach my next checkpoint within a week. It is an unassuming star in the Formorian Frontier. I’ve managed to get my remaining jump count down to 230. After that it will likely be another few hundred to Beagle Point. It’s still far enough away that I feel no imminent excitement. 43000ly from Sol, roughly 22000 from Beagle Point. In truth, I am only two thirds of the way there. What a discouraging thought. Fortunately it is only partially true. I engaged in detours many times during my journey thus far, and as a result the first two thirds took a significantly greater amount of time than they might have. There’s that at least. The remaining third I expect to be done with relative efficiency. After all, there aren’t much by way of nebulas to distract me out here.
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